Spokane County, Washington
In August of 2023, two wildfires started the same day about two hours apart from each other. The one was southwest of the city of Spokane in the town of Medical Lake, the other one was north of town in the community of Elk. Combined they burned over three hundred and fifty homes and caused the most property damage that Washington has seen to date.
The unit moved here from Happy Camp, California in June of 2024 to a rented house in Medical Lake to start rebuilding houses for lower income families. The Spokane unit consists of four young men and a couple for house parents.
CDR was quite active here after the fires and when the unit arrived here there was still a few left-over projects from them to finish. A group of local citizens formed a Long-Term Recovery organization and with help from the Salvation Army identified several needy families in both burn areas. The first several weeks were spent primarily working on a storage shed for a bible camp in Medical Lake while we waited for the county to approve and grant permits for the house plans. These are simple eight hundred square foot houses. So far, Christan Public Service is providing most of the labor for these homes. As of December 2024, we have eight houses in the dry and ready for inside work during the winter months. The house papa coordinates with the Recovery Group and spends most days on the job working with the boys. Looking forward if the Recovery Group can secure funding, we will have another ten houses to build.
The unit is within two hours driving time between several congregations and has enjoyed worshiping with one of them about once a month and being included in a number of youth activities. Sunday morning services at the unit house consist of Sunday School and calling in a service.
The local people have been very appreciative of the young men and their efforts here. It has been a blessing to work and spread God’s love through service to our fellow man.