This unit has six young ladies, with two arriving and two leaving every other month.
Ann Arbor

The unit in Ann Arbor has been a blessing again this year. The Lord has smiled on the willingness of the young ladies and the house parents as they have given their time at the University of Michigan Health System.
Their work includes volunteering at the gift shops, taking a beverage cart around, helping patients find the location they are looking for, doing the mail route for social services, putting together patient information folders, taking the candy cart around to different waiting rooms, and screening prospective part-time volunteers for the hospital. The volunteers work full-time in the volunteer department. Because Ann Arbor is a university town, there are many students who volunteer part time at the hospital.
Of special note is the weekly singing they do on different floors for patients and their families, some of whom are facing terminal illness. They also sing at nursing homes and at the Ann Arbor Guest Home.
May God continue to bless the faithful workers as they unselfishly serve mankind.
The unit at Ann Arbor, Michigan began in 2006. All the young ladies from the unit spend their days working in the University of Michigan Health System. This is a large health complex including the University of Michigan Hospital, Cancer Center, Cardiovascular Center, Mott Children’s Hospital, and the Taubman Clinic. Some of the jobs iclude working in the gift shop, taking the candy cart up onto the floors, taking several bevaerage carts around to waiting rooms, way finding, making flower deliveries, doing the mail route for social services, and putting together patient information folders. The highlights of the week are singing in the Cancer Center on Tuesday