There are 14 young ladies and a CNA and Nurse serving here together with their house parents for a 12 month term
Hogan Hozhoni – Window Rock Arizona

Welcome to Hogan Hozhoni where you seldom get bored and have many Navajo children with which to share your love. We care for around 30 to 40 children much of the time. Sometimes the children only need a place to stay for a couple of days and others will be there much longer. Many come from unfortunate circumstances and often respond to love from the volunteer staff.
Where else can you learn skills in cooking for larger groups and caring for five two year olds at one time? The fourteen girls have many wonderful times together and learn to laugh, cry, sing, and pray together.
Hogan Hozhoni is now on a food program requiring the home to serve nutritious meals to the clients, this gives opportunity for increased skills in documentation and record keeping.
We are also updating some in the interior of the home as time and money permit. At Hogan Hozhoni we are continuing to look for ways to improve care for those dear children that truly need love and care.
Hogan Hozhoni has recently added a CNA to assist the nurse and help make her load lighter. It seems like our personnel’s terms go by quickly, and we are soon looking for house parents and a nurse again.
We welcome sincere volunteers and at this time the list of girls wanting to come to Window Rock is short. Those who come, find the time serving at Hogan Hozhoni very rewarding. We appreciate all who have supported this home in some way. It is a worthy work and many lives are touched, especially children who have experienced much trauma. They are being loved and cared for with a personal touch here at Hogan Hozhoni. We have no idea how much or in what way it may affect their lives. It is the Lord’s work.