There are 4 young men serving at this unit together with their house parents. The term of service for the young men is 6 months
Contact Information
Fort Myers Rebuild Unit
814 Woodridge Circle
Fort Myers Florida
Fort Myers is a beautiful city in southwestern Florida. The city known as the City of Palms with
it’s surrounding cities and suburbs has a population of 788,000 people. On September 28,2022
Hurricane Ian made landfall with winds of over 155 mph and a 15′ storm surge killing more than
150 people. The unit moved here from Panama City, FL. on February 21, 2023 There seem to be
endless opportunities around us for helping the less fortunate. One day a week is spent in the
hospital, the young men are split between Healthpark Medical Center and Golisano Children’s
Hospital. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday involve construction work, either building new houses
with Habitat for Humanity or various other organizations helping remodel, doing maintenance, or
generally helping lower income families. Tuesdays are spent at a food bank which supplies over
200 different food pantries and other organizations with food. We also help out in a soup kitchen
on some days.