There are 4 young men serving at this unit together with their houseparents. The term of service for the young men is 6 months
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Albuquerque is a beautiful desert city against the Sandia mountains. Spanish is a common language in the people. Our work in Albuquerque is quite diversified. The boys work with Department of Senior Affairs of Albuquerque Thursday and Friday, building wheelchair ramps, steps, installing safety equipment and cleaning yards. They also work at the Presbyterian Hospital helping in Emergency room, transporting patients,working at the gift shop, and also working in the children’s department. On Wednesdays they work at Silver Horizons which is an organization that feeds low income seniors. They unload trucks and organize foods in the warehouse and then load up vans and distribute food to senior centers around the city. The work in Albuquerque is a very fulfilling work we have opportunity to touch many lives.
The first Christian Public Service units in Albuquerque were started in the early 1960’s and continued until the draft ended in 1972. The unit as we know it today began in the late spring of 1992. The missionary couple there at that time strongly encouraged a unit to be established as a boost to the mission effort. There are four young men and their houseparents serving there. This is a humanitarian work, reaching out to the elderly and needy in the community and volunteering at the Presbyterian Hospital.