There are 4 young men serving at this unit together with their houseparents. The term of service for the young men is 6 months
Seattle Service Unit

The Seattle-Tacoma area has a population of over 3.5 million people, which gives us plenty of opportunity to be a witness for Christ. On Monday, we go work for Rebuilding Together Seattle(RTS). RTS is an organization that does small maintenance jobs for older people and veterans to make their homes safer for them, such as installing hand rails, wheelchair ramps, etc. In the rainy weather that Seattle is famous for, the boys come home wet some days! Tuesday and Wednesday they work at the Good Samaritan Hospital, transfering patients in hospital beds and wheel chairs after outpatient surgery, delivering the mail, stocking carts, and whatever else the volunteer coordinator needs them to do.
Thursday and Friday Habitat for Humanity uses them to build new homes or remodel existing homes etc for those who qualify.
Twice a month they serve supper at two different rescue missions. Every other week, one of the boys goes with Gospel Tract on their tract route. We sing two times a month with the mission and tract couple, and we worship three Sundays a month with the mission and tract couple at the mission house. The boys are an integral part of that service. Often one Sunday per month we visit a congregation in the area.
Please pray for the efforts in Seattle. There are millions in darkness looking for a glimpse of light!
This unit started in Vernonia, OR in January of 2007. The houses are raised on piers and the boys add the stairs and decks to accommodate the new height. This unit has moved to Seattle in January of 2013. The boys are building with ‘Habitat for Humanity’ Wed., Thurs., and Fri., and Mon. and Tues. they alternate with ‘Rebuilding Together’ and ‘Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission. There are four boys in this unit together with their house parents. The boys each volunteer for six months of service at a time.