There are 4 young men serving at this unit together with their house parents. The term of service for the young men is 6 months
Contact Information
188 West 40th St
Cutoff, LA 70345
(985) 693-9500
Cutoff Rebuild Unit
This unit moved here from Marianna FlL in April of 2022. Cutoff is a small fishing town of just under 5,500 population in the heart of Cajun country. Being just 35 miles inland, this small town and the surrounding towns took a real beating when Hurricane IDA slammed the area with winds over 200 mph! Hurricane IDA was the second most damaging and intense hurricane on record to hil Louisianna. It stalled out for over 8 hrs causing extensive wind and rain damage to a large area. When the unit first arrived, 8 months after the storm, lots of roofs were still tarped and many businesses were not even back up and running.
At first, the work has been largely through a group called Catholic Charities and also for a pastor of the First Baptist Church of Golden Meadows. It seems the door is opening to begin working for a group called Louisianna Baptist Disaster Relief.
Most of the work consists of roofing, insulating, sheetrocking, flooring etc.